Wednesday, September 30, 2015

You have Beautiful Feet too!!!

This past month has literally been up in the air; concerning when final goodbyes are made, when I should begin packing, as well as when I will finally be in the Dominican Republic. It has been challenging physically, mentally, and spiritually, but my God already had a plan in place.

Though some days I drove the struggle bus, God has placed a community of believers and encouragers around me. So first, if you have encouraged me in some way these past months, THANK YOU! Sometimes it felt as if I was in the mist of a battle and your words and actions were life giving. So as my 4 year old nephew would say, "Thank you, for hours!" :) 

I have never been more attuned to God's plan for community among believers, it is not only a good thing, it is imperative. The word says in Hebrews 10:24-25

"24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

Based on the words in this scripture, community strays away from just being fellowship and hanging out but is transformed into so much more. Community is an active exchange that helps the Lord's body to be His hands and feet, a thing that makes us look more like Him.

Community is speaking life and the truth of the word over your brothers and sister. Community is reminding them of the things God has called them to do. Community is making an effort to spend time with one another, not just for recreation, but to be intentional about the things of God. Community is being aware that as Christians today we are called to a greater mission, to reach the world before the return of Christ, and in this awareness acting to help one other follow the path God has for them closely. 

In these past months, all of those who have encouraged me somehow, prayed for me, or even gave me a hug I am so thankful and blessed by this. In your kind words and actions you have helped me take steps closer to serving the Lord this next year in the DR. You have shown me Community on a scale that ranges from close family members to strangers that I have never met acting on God's behalf. Thank you for believing in my calling. 

The word says, "How beautiful are the feet of those who share the good news." We have pretty feet y'all!! I am not going to the Dominican Republic by myself, I have a team of people who are partnering with me financially and prayerfully, without you all I would not be able to go. By you sending me to the DR you are also partaking in helping reach the World with the gospel. So take a good look, you have beautiful feet too! 

My actual feet >.<  (Spring Break 2015, PCB)

So as this year continues I hope that you are able to share with those around you what God is doing in the DR, also I hope that He will give you opportunities to be lights in your mission fields here, at home. I am praying for all of you! 

Just to give you an update on support, I am now a little over $4,000 from being fully funded. Praise God, that I am almost to 100%!!!!! I should be leaving before this weekend is up! 

So again a BIG THANK YOU!

For His Glory,
Shanee Howard

Also my song for the moment: "No Longer Slaves"- Bethel

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

If it could go wrong, it did.........

It would be nice to live in a world where everything goes perfectly and according to plan? Yes it sure would be, but unfortunately we live in a broken world. A world with a real enemy, who wants to steal our joy and deter us from our Father's work. (1 John 5:19) 

Early this month, my team left for the Dominican Republic while I stayed back in Kentucky. I had a bit of support to finish before I could join them. I didn't think it would be as hard as it was to watch them begin our STINT year while I was here, but it was. After all I am supposed to be one of those smiling faces in their pictures.

While my team left I also fell so ill that it was hard for me to even leave my house for 3 days, my Aunt entered the hospital, and an extended family member passed away suddenly.

All of these events brought their fair share of anxiety, tears, and frustration.

During the time I needed to work my hardest to finish support, I either had no energy or was moving from event to event with hardly enough time I thought I needed to devote to it.

I felt completely out of control and I did not like this.

The enemy was in full attack mode, but Praise the Lord that He has provided me a team of prayer warriors who are lifting me in prayer always. People all of the world who I know personally and those I have never met who are on this journey with me.

Some days the only thing I could do was pray to the Father and trust that he will get me through this rough patch. With many speaking truth over me and reminding me that He is working all things together for my GOOD!

Today I can tell you that I have been in contact with my team and have shared with them, my Aunt is out of the hospital, I am feeling 100% better, and I am now 14% away from being fully funded!

God is continuing to provide a way, even through these tough times. I will continue to cling to the cross and His truth! "The LORD is my strength and my sheild; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him." Psalm 28:7

For His Glory
Shanee :)

Also the song of the moment is "Great is thy Faithfulness"- Jimmy  Needham